Thursday, 1 October 2009

Lyrical Zouk: Lambada zouk London style News

Remember Lindale teaches Lambada Zouk Every Monday at the Inn on The green. The class begins with an exhilarating warm up combining elements of contemporary, jazz and ballet followed by the main body of the class, looking at musicality, partnerwork, styling, sensory perception, one of the hardest and ulitmately the most challenging classes around.

Inn on The Green

3-5 Thorpe Close


W10 5XL

Class start at 7.30pm followed by social dancing

December 13th Lindale returns to the studio in what will be the first Lyrical Zouk: Lambada Zouk London Style Workshop in London. Lindale is a Rambert trained dancer, who's been dancing and performing Lambada Zouk for over fifteen years. Known as the most innovative teacher in London today, Lindale combines elements of contemporary,jazz ,ballet and contact improvision to create the unique Lyrical Zouk style. This class will not only introduce everyone to a dance considered to be one of the sexiest dances around, but will also open up a whole new world of music which is not only sensuous but also inspirational.

Make Sunday December 13th a date to remember, check out Lyrical Zouk; Lambada Zouk London Style.

The workshop will be taking place at The new improved Tabernacle, Powis Square, London, W11 2Ay

The class starts at 3pm and will be one and a half hour long

The cost of the class £10, £8 concessions and £9 for advance bookings; for further info please send queries to

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